Friday, August 24, 2018

The Calculus Collection PDF, ePub eBook

The Calculus Collection.pdf

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Book Summary

The Calculus Collection is a useful resource for everyone who teaches calculus, in high school or in a 2- or 4-year college or university. It consists of 123 articles, selected by a panel of six veteran high school teachers, each of which was originally published in Math Horizons, MAA Focus, The American Mathematical Monthly, The College Mathematics Journal, or Mathematics Magazine. The articles focus on engaging students who are meeting the core ideas of calculus for the first time. The Calculus Collection is filled with insights, alternate explanations of difficult ideas, and suggestions for how to take a standard problem and open it up to the rich mathematical explorations available when you encourage students to dig a little deeper. Some of the articles reflect an enthusiasm for bringing calculators and computers into the classroom, while others consciously address themes from the calculus reform movement. But most of the articles are simply interesting and timeless explorations of the mathematics encountered in a first course in calculus.The MAA has twice previously issued a calculus reader, collecting articles on calculus from its journals: Selected Papers in Calculus, published in 1969 and reprinted as Part I of A Century of Calculus, and Part II published in 1992. In a sense The Calculus Collection is the third volume in that series, but different in that it is a collection chosen for its usefulness to those who teach first-year calculus in high schools as well as colleges and universities.

File Name:The Calculus Collection
Posted By:Caren L. Diefenderfer,Roger B. Nelsen
Published on 2010-02-18 by MAA
Ratting: 4.6 of 5 | PDF File Ready to download
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