A Spiral Workbook for Discrete Mathematics.pdf
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Book Summary
This is a text that covers the standard topics in a sophomore-level course in discrete mathematics: logic, sets, proof techniques, basic number theory, functions, relations, and elementary combinatorics, with an emphasis on motivation. It explains and clarifies the unwritten conventions in mathematics, and guides the students through a detailed discussion on how a proof is revised from its draft to a final polished form. Hands-on exercises help students understand a concept soon after learning it. The text adopts a spiral approach: many topics are revisited multiple times, sometimes from a different perspective or at a higher level of complexity. The goal is to slowly develop students' problem-solving and writing skills.
File Name:A Spiral Workbook for Discrete Mathematics
Posted By:Harris Kwong
Published on 2015-11-06 by Open SUNY Textbooks
Ratting: 4.6 of 5 | PDF File Ready to download
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